…little by little I began to ask myself “Well, why the fuck don’t we put hiphop on this kind of track?”. So I tried…
– Dat’ : So, how was the release of your new album Broka Billy? Like Sea, Sex & Grems, it looks like you did all the promotion by yourself, and it seems quite complicated to find it.
Grems : Well, for Sea, Sex & Grems, it was a pain in the ass to buy it, but that was on purpose. Just before releasing it, a very bad thing happened to me, so I couldn’t care about the album anymore, or about its promotion. Shouldn’t have been released actually, but people told me it was really good so we did a limited edition available in Lazydog and JustLikeHipHop. For Broka Billy, it’s really different. It’s actually going pretty well; you can find it in big places, like Fnac or Virgin, but not always in the music section. And you can at least order it everywhere. And it’s great, the album is going really well for the moment. We avoided Internet downloading for 3 weeks. Well, ok, since then we’ve been screwed by P2P but it’s like that for every artist now so… And we’re doing it well with the promotion – it’s a little quiet during summer, but we’re going to burn everything in September, with new video clips, exhibitions, and other cool stuff.
– I may be wrong, but it seems like you completely lost your mind on this album, like you wanted to create an LP without limits or shackles, risking some really fucked-up material. And it’s this risk which makes the album awesome.
Ah yes, it’s definitely different than the last 3 albums, like the trilogy, and it’s not like Roules a Levres either [the other Rap/House Grems project, with Disiz]. I didn’t really want to do something really fucked up. Just quality, something I like. Even if i didn’t produce the CD, I know how to make music so we did it in osmosis with all the producers. Not following trends. Just making something completely different. Unique. From another world. It’s not even trying to push forward things, but just making a totally singular object. And it’s odd, this album is really twisted, but it seems to be more understood by people than the others.
– What happen with your producer Troubl, and his Genius track for La Barbe? It may be your most ‘Detroit’ track, one of the best produced you’ve ever had. But on the other hand, you cut it at 1minute 30 !
Ah yeah, this track is a pure Deepkho track. This kind of production, it’s when I piss off Troubl so much that he creates something awesome like that. There’s 2 years of discussion and reflection behind something like that, ‘cause I wanted to sum up all my albums and projects. And, well, even if the track is short for everyone, well, I have the rest of the track somewhere for me (laughs). But I like this verse so much, I like the fact that it’s not going any further, it’s just beginning, slaps you in the face, then it stops. The intro had to be great, to make you understand immediately that the album will be awesome.
– Ok, so, whether people like or dislike your album, it seems like everyone agrees for the track Recontre Avec Un Ballon. I’ve even made my Japanese friends listen to it; they can’t possibly get the lyrics but they’re all crazy for it. How’d you have the idea for a track like that?
Well, it was my friend’s idea, she’s the one who said some of the sentences in the chorus. The lyrics aren’t misogynist; it’s about a girl raping a guy. Everything comes from this idea. And, well, I know that my porn-rap tracks are always the most listened, and it’s funny ‘cause Casse Moi Le Cul and Merdeuse are the tracks I did all by myself. So I draw the foundations of the track, and after, we did a lot of work with Klimaxx, who did all the production and totally killed it. By the way, the other Klimaxx track, his remix of Dimanche, is seriously tremendous. I’m traumatised by this one. Klimaxx really knows how to deal with music, he knows instantly what to create and where you wanna go.
– And with guys like SonOfKick or Opolopo, who seem quite far from hip-hop and more deeply in electronic music, how did you manage to work? Because we feel a real osmosis on the tracks
Well, for me, Opolopo is the best brokenbeat producer ever. To have him on my album, and have him work with a french hiphop mc, it was just improbable. And the most improbable thing is for the LP, he produced the most improbable track he’s ever made (laughs). He didn’t make a 100% Opolopo track, but a crazy hybrid thing.
For SonOfKick, it’s Simbad, whose tracks I listen to hundreds of times a day, who introduced him to me. They both live in London, and they were making hiphop originally, before moving on to something more electronic. And they’re sound designers too, so when you hear the mix, it’s awsome. And so yeah, in the end we were very good friends with SonOfKick. We even have a band together, called Mika Miki, we do everything between us, lyrics and music. This guy knows everything about music, doing really unbounded hybrid fucked-up stuff, like the track Carlos, which is a real Broka track made by SonOfKick.
And by the way, the big big thing coming up before Christmas: The Disiz & Grems LP, produced by Simbad and SonOfKick. It’s done, recorded, 18 tracks, going to kick ass. And don’t worry, it’s not a “Rouge à Levres Enhanced” LP. There will be shitloads of super deep tracks, hiphop, 2step, dubstep, broken beat… we wanted to go everywhere and have fun. We’ve wanted to do that for a long time, so we found some time, everyone went to London, and we killed it.
“I say out loud what everyone thinks. Without censoring myself. And Broka music, it’s a style we invented, mixed with deep house from Detroit…”
– Where did this love for Detroit techno come from? What do you particularly like in it?
Well, because it’s warm. Warm. I’m interested by this music since the start of 2000. I’ve always loved weird stuff, deep dance music like Crystal Waters, and sought little by little to find stuff of this kind. Always deep, uh, and I saw gradually that stuff like Technotronics were already kind of Deepkho-ish. Before that, I was listening a lot to the beat génération, Jay Dee, Pete Rock, stuff which marked life for me. And, one day, I chanced upon a Master at Work compilation, 3 CDs of deep techno-house, and I was like, “What the fuck is this, it’s so awesome”.
But I liked stuff a little bit darker and dirtier, so I began to discover detroit techno, with Moodymann, Theo Parrish, Omar S, super fucked up tracks, like just a dirty rhythm box, dirty beats, everything is dirty, but totally deep at the same time (laughs). So I fell in love with this, but especially Moodymann, who possessed me as much as Jay Dee. Those two guys, they’re the same for me, same spirit, same approach, but in House for Moodymann.
So yeah, little by little I began to ask myself “Well, why the fuck don’t we put hiphop on this kind of track?”. So I tried, and the first song like this was Merdeuse, at the end of my first album. Later I discovered stuff like Metro Area, and some Broken Beat, both by myself and with friends sending me shitloads of sounds. But, always deep, always warm. Not like all this cold French electro. In France, I’m the only one to do it, but you can find a few bands doing that, like Capitol A.
– I dusted off my old Source Lab compilation a few days ago, with all the original French Touch wave, like Etienne De Crecy, La Funk Mob, Air, Cam and so on… you always talk about Detroit, but guys like De Crecy and his Motorbass, La Funk Mob or even Mr Oizio, they didn’t inspire you at all?
Well, stuff linked to Crydamoure is similar to what I was talking about before. Otherwise, old stuff like De Crecy, it’s good, but I didn’t listen to it very much, and I’ve not really been inspired by it. Mr Oizo is cool too, but it’s really a hybrid, so it’s a little bit different. So really, in fact, for me it’s mostly Broken Beat and Deep Detroit stuff: dirty tracks with lots of space in them, well built and full of melodies.
– To spit words like a machinegun, with sentences going everywhere, back & forth like a machinegun, complicated rhymes. Where did this flow come from?
Ah yeah! It’s polysyllabic. Well, I just listened to lots of MCs, in fact. Lots of American MCs have a flow like that, like Busta Rhymes who really traumatised me with his flow, or Wild Child. So I wanted to do that, this way of talking super fast, and suddenly stopping in the same sentence, and blending all the words together. And I’ll never be happy with a mono-syllabic-french-style-rap-rhyme. That doesn’t work, unless you’re a fucking good lyricist, or if you’re Mr Crazy like Le Jouage, who can have amazing flow even without rhyming. That guy’s incredible (laughs).
– For English or Japanese readers, who don’t understand your lyrics, and who mostly know French music for the Electronic side, how would you describe your music?
(…) Well, I say out loud what everyone thinks. Without censoring myself. And Broka music, it’s a style we invented, mixed with deep house from Detroit.
– So, for your other main activity, you do design. Is it completely fucked up like the music industry, or is it still ok?
Ahaha, but everything is fucked up mate (laughs). Everything is fucked up anyway, times are changing. Ok, well, this year was strange for me, quite quiet, since I released two books. But if you work as a designer, you have to spread your work as much as possible, like a normal job, where you throw your CV eveywhere. So this year was kinda complicated, but I spread shitloads of my designs, so jobs are coming back. With a weird job like design, you always have good and bad months, it’s never stable. I don’t have an agent, it’s a risk, but I like it, there’s advantages. It’s me, nothing else.
– Yeah, actually, when you say you spread your work everywhere, there was your t-shirt on Star Academy [the french Pop Idol / American Idol show] and other sneaky stuff on big TV programs. How did you manage these weird product placements?
Well, for the t-shirt, it was awesome. And the candidate wearing it was the biggest dickhead. It was crazy, on the TV they censor all the brand names, but on every interview with this dumbass there’s a giant “Grems” on the screen. Perfect move (laughs).
So like I said, I spread things around a lot, and it always pops out at some time or other, sometimes where you least expect it. There was even the French Minister of Culture, who was wearing the Grems watch I designed for Swatch, on the cover of L’Express [a very popular French political magazine]!. You could see my watch everywhere in the magazine, like “the minister wears this watch to criticize the bling-bling rolex of the president Sarkozy’ (everyone laughs).
Grems’ Girlfriend: Well, could have been a response to Seguela, Sarkozy’s friend, who’s said that you’ve fucked your life up if you don’t wear a Rolex by 50.
Grems: Well, Sarkozy, Seguela, or both (laughs). It’s so great to infiltrate the media like that. There were even the children of the Princess of Monaco wearing my Grems watch in celebrity gossip magazines. Lots of people collect Swatches so this can help too!
– Do you still make street graffiti?
Ahah, yeah, I did that all summer! 30 days, 30 pieces!
“I may be a hybrid between rap, Detroit techno and gothic punk…”
– London. Paris. Tokyo. What do these three cities call to mind?
London: It’s awesome. Paris: It’s a shithole. Tokyo: It looks awesome. I’ve got to go, I’d love to do some exhibitions there. It’ll happen someday. For now, the book is spreading everywhere. And Opolopo is quite famous in Japan, so I hope my track with him will get around a little bit there. I don’t what to do and who to call to make a concert in Japan, but trust me, if I play there, it will be a fucking mess (laughs). But it’s very hard to make links and connections there. Maybe I just need to spread the Broka Billy LP more. In France, it’s ok, but in other countries too, with all the producers of the LP and their networks, DJs who like it – hey, even Starkey is spinning my tracks. And the track with Machinedrum has really good potential. That guy doesn’t fuck around (laughs). Why is Paris shit? Well, just look around you [there is nothing around us; no-one in the street, everything is closed]
…yeah, it really surprised me, Paris in August is completely dead, there’s nothing. Clubs are closed, no gigs, it’s strange…
Yeah man, there’s nothing in Paris. Just people complaining. In shitloads of countries, in August, it’s going on everywhere, but no t here. And the worst: if you try something new, everyone here will say it’s shit. French people are interested by nothing. And we are really skilled; in France, we can do really good stuff, but we are clearly not open-minded… if you’ve seen some French music recently, it’s a little bit depressing.– So, something I share with you – where does your fascination for Punk, Gothic, high heels and tattoos come from?
Well, I think I’m a punk inside my head. I may be a hybrid between rap, Detroit techno and gothic punk (laughs). For this last style, it’s not really about the music, more about the clothes and the attitudes, I think it’s totally awesome. I love Gothic Punk girls so much, I think they’re incredible. There’s shitloads of girls like that in Tokyo, yeah?
…ahah, yes, Tokyo is the perfect town for this…
Ah, lucky bastard (laughs). So, this subject inspired me for lots of weird songs. Les Gothiques is a track I love so much, it was important for me to do it, the song is filled up with love, and nothing else. Some people ask, “Hey did you just make this to piss off the Goths?” so I answer “Shut the fuck up, did you listen to the lyrics dumbass?” (laughs). Maybe it’s because I have 5 different origins, or that I travel a lot, I don’t know… but I really like stuff like that. Even in the hiphop world, it’s funny. Everyone is street, has a ‘street hiphop look’, so I really like to have this mixed street-punk-weird-gothic mind…
– Last question I always ask: 3 discs you’d advise for readers. Old CDs, new ones classics, what you want, but nothing too corporate…
Mmmm, hard to say … no-one wants to help me?
Well, James Blake, as I always say. His new EP is amazing. The last Moodymann too, cause this guy is unbeatable. And, ah, a hiphop one, something the Japanese might know: Maspyke! It’s signed on Jazzy Sports, the Japanese Stone Throw. It’s an American band, but signed there. It’s old-school hip-hop, but sounds real. So yeah, Maspyke, really cool when you like dirty hip-hop, with noise and good beats. Makes you want to listen to hip-hop again (laughs).
La Barbe By Grems Prod Troubl. from grems miki on Vimeo.
Grems – Rencontre avec un ballon from leneopen on Vimeo.
Grems interviewed by Dat’ / Chroniques Automatiques
English saviour is Darren_w / Japanese Translation by the amazing Kumi Kimura
Pics by Dat’
Photos & more sur Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001237448344
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